Meet The Team

No church is a church without the people. Here are some of the awesome team who serve at Melrose

Philip and Evadne Keeble

Philip is the senior Pastor at Melrose. Him and his wife Evadne moved from SE London in the late 70s after God called them to ministry in Basingstoke. Evadne oversees the Praise and Worship team.

Philip and Evadne Keeble Senior Pastor and His Wife
James and Rhoda Morson

James is our Co-Pastor. He runs the Young Adults Bible Study and oversees the youth. He also heads up the Men's Ministry and you may catch him dropping some licks on the bass guitar at our services. His wife Rhoda co-leads the youth and is also the church administrator. She is one of our worship-leaders and a gifted singer.

James and Rhoda Morson Assistant Pastor & Church Administrator and Youth Leaders
Chelsea Umali

Chelsea has been appointed as a prophet in Melrose. We have recognised that God has put this unique call on her life and we want to make full use of what God has given her, for the equipping of the church for ministry and edification.

Chelsea is also a part of the Youth Team and heads up the projector team.

Chelsea Umali Prophetess
Ester Muteto

Ester heads up our Women's Ministry at Melrose. She is always proactively looking for ways to invest into the lives of our women and does a great job at our Mother's Day Services every year.

Ester Muteto Women's Ministry
John & Hilary Wilson

Hilary is our Lead Evangelist and has taken on the role heading up our evangelism team. John oversees the PA team and sound system at Melrose. They also teach and are a part of the worship team.

John & Hilary Wilson Lead Evangelist & PA Team
Friday Club Team

We have an array of young leaders who support our younger and Midis Friday club sessions. 

Friday Club Team Friday Club Leaders

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P: 07756 383 068

We are registered charity: 1163494